Leading manufacturers of Parking Kiosks in UK
Introducing our all-in-one payment terminals to the United Kingdom, Europe, and other parts of the world, and at the same time, setting the trend for taking parking payments to an online platform.
Features of our parking kiosks

ANPR Integration

Frictionless experience

Increase profitability

Reduced Vandalism

Remote Monitoring

Solar Installation

Touch Screen

Weatherproof IP65
Features of our parking kiosks

ANPR Integration

Increase profitability

Frictionless experience

Reduced Vandalism

Remote Monitoring

Solar Installation

Touch Screen

Weatherproof IP65
Our Parking Kiosks
Mini Smart Pay Kiosk

Smart Pay Kiosk

Smart Pay Kiosk
Outdoor Parking Payment Kiosk
Mini Smart Pay Kiosk
Indoor Parking Payment Kiosk
Call our sales team
+44 121 318 8833 | Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm