Questions to Ask While Choosing a Parking Payment Solution

Managing the payment process in a parking lot can be challenging without a suitable parking payment solution terminal. So many different ways are there to do it, and each way is unique with its own benefits and drawbacks. However, when people are looking for the best parking pay terminal, there are a few things to take into consideration. A good way to start is by finding out which type of system is right for your situation. There are multiple parking payment kiosks suppliers in the UK, so choosing the best option can be challenging. Don’t worry! This writing will introduce you to some important questions you should ask while buying a parking payment machine. So, without further ado, let’s commence.

Do You Require Barrier System Integration?

One of the first questions to cover when speaking about parking pay stations is whether or not these payment machines have the capability to integrate a barrier system. Remember, upfront costs for metered innovative parking systems involve a more initial investment of time and funding because paid parking means people will have to use a lot more equipment. For example, the installation process is complicated because installing meters in every spot takes time as it would have to be done one by one.

In addition, they need someone to ensure everything is working correctly and maintain it. However, the initial cost of providing paid street parking through gated systems costs significantly less than that of metered ones because you already have all the necessary hardware (e.g. barrier gates). It’s crucial to ensure you factored these things into your planning before having an over-reliance on one type/brand of payment mechanism/device exclusive as well! Moreover, installing a barrier system in your car park can make parking more secure and prevent parking misconduct.

Can You Adjust Tariff Plans?

Flat-rate systems may be all right for more straightforward procedures, but they can get monotonous overall, so it’s preferable to keep using varying rate systems. The alternative is to apply a “flat fee system”, which is far more complicated and involves more equipment to ensure that you have no violations at any point in time throughout the procedure. Therefore, it’s necessary to ensure that the parking payment  machine you are planning to buy allows you to adjust tariff plans.

By charging motorists for their use of the garage at varying rates (based on how long they are there), you can give a reason for parkers to economise their parking time. A “flat rate” does not do this; it is charged regardless of the amount of time someone spends in the garage. This is because years ago, when these types of pricing systems were introduced by private companies in the hopes that they could eventually garner some profit, and have since then become standard because they can be pretty effective where there is a high turnover rate like parking spaces near movie theatres or stadiums, or where there’s a high demand for parking, like downtown restaurant areas. But today, technology-based flat-rate systems have made it possible to track most customers’ entry and exit times without paying an additional fee just to leave your establishment! So, ask your vendor if their payment terminal offers a feature to adjust tariff plans.

How will the Drivers Pay?

If you provide parking services, tracking how many cars visit your parking space every day is necessary. Suppose it’s a high number, like at most concert arenas, sporting venues, and schools. In that case, you should provide rear-loading payment machines focused on reducing congestion by getting parkers to pay for their time on foot before returning to their vehicles. It also makes sense if your lot is small or your walkways aren’t wide enough for pay-on-foot machines with an ANPR system installed so that traffic flow in and out of the facility can be adequately observed. But suppose ingress and egress are managed with multiple entry/exit gates, payment options, and direct lane access available through ceiling-mounted payment devices attached to individual bays. In that case, this presents another excellent use case for pay-in-lane parking service payments.

So, you should decide your preference based on your parking lot and requirements. It will help you streamline the payment experience of the motorists who visit your car park. Nonetheless, you should also ensure what payment options the parking kiosk includes to choose a machine that will provide car owners with the most convenient parking payment solution experience.

How Much Automated the Payment Machine is

Some customers love to see attendees at parking spaces because it gives them a sense of reliability, while others don’t want any kind of interference. However, it has been observed that a parking space with automated technology is more efficient and preferred by a more significant number of car owners. Therefore, when buying a parking payment terminal, you should ensure that the machine is automated and requires no staffing. It will be beneficial for you in two ways; first, you will not require hiring an additional employee, and your motorists will have an error-free transaction experience.

How Can the Kiosk Help You in Revenue Generation?

Generating revenue is usually what motivates people to put parking payment machines in place. However, there are options with or without access control for facility owners not wishing to profit on-site. A parking payment solution with access control allows visitors to enter a parking lot after validating their credentials at an access pedestal. When a permitted credential is presented, the barrier gates open, and unapproved guests cannot come in. A parking facility can have an exit and entrance explicitly designed for these types of situations where paying customers are allowed to exit after paying for the services provided.

Having a suitable parking payment machine in your parking lot can eliminate the stress of taking care of transactions and tracking how many motorists visit your car park.

Get in Touch with Omne Technology

So, the questions mentioned above you should ask before buying a parking payment kiosk. Nevertheless, if you want to purchase a high-tech parking kiosk for your car park, you can contact Omne Technology. We are a leading parking kiosk manufacturer in the United Kingdom; our kiosks integrate feature-loaded software, an ANPR system, and a solar panel. With our parking payment solution kiosks, your motorists can make transactions using multiple payment options.

To know more, you can contact us at 0121 318 8833 or mail at

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Get in Touch with Omne Technology

We at Omne Technology strive to provide motorists and parking space owners with smooth and seamless payment terminals. We have developed two parking kiosks to fulfil the needs of different parking spaces; Smart Pay Kiosk & Mini Smart Pay Kiosk. So, if you want to get robust and straightforward parking kiosks in the UK, consider contacting us at 0121 318 8833 or email at